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Laufbahnmanagement von jungen Arbeitnehmenden [Career management of young employees]

Andreas Hirschi

Baumeler, F, & Hirschi, A. (2017). Laufbahnmanagement von jungen Arbeitnehmenden [Career management of young employees]. In S. Kauffeld & D. Spurk (Hrsg.), Handbuch Laufbahnmanagement und Karriereplanung. Heidelberg: Springer. 


Organisationale Sozialisation, Weiterentwicklung von eigenen Kompetenzen, Verfolgen von Laufbahnzielen sowie die Integration von verschiedenen Lebensbereichen sind zentrale Herausforderungen für junge Arbeitnehmende in der frühen Laufbahnphase. Deren erfolgreiche Bewältigung trägt wesentlich zur persönlichen Laufbahnentwicklung und dem Erfolg von Organisationen bei. Dieses Kapitel beschreibt die Anforderungen für junge Arbeitnehmende sowie Bewältigungsmöglichkeiten für das Individuum und die Organisation. Ein Ausblick für Forschung und Praxis des Laufbahnmanagements der frühen Laufbahnphase sowie ein Fazit bilden den Abschluss des Kapitels. 

Konzepte zur Förderung von Laufbahnentwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert [Concepts for promoting career development in the 21st century]

Andreas Hirschi

Hirschi, A. (2015). Konzepte zur Förderung von Laufbahnentwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert [Concepts for promoting career development in the 21st century]. In Zihlmann, R. (Hrsg.), Berufswahl in Theorie und Praxis (4. Auflage). Bern: SDBB. 


Laufbahnen haben sich in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten durch Fortschritte in der Technologie, zunehmende Internationalisierung, mehr Diversität in der Belegschaft von Unternehmen, neue Arbeitsformen, Veränderungen in Organisationsstrukturen und veränderte Einstellungen zur Arbeitsrolle massgeblich geändert. Dieses Kapitel bietet einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Trends, die aktuelle Arbeit und Laufbahnen beeinflussen. Es werden zudem Faktoren vorgestellt, die in der heutigen Arbeitswelt zentral sind, um eine Laufbahn selbstbestimmt und erfolgreich gestalten zu können.

Karriere- und Talentmanagement in Unternehmen [Career and talent management in organizations]

Andreas Hirschi

Hirschi, A. (2017). Karriere- und Talentmanagement in Unternehmen [Career and talent management in organizations]. In S. Kauffeld & D. Spurk (Hrsg.), Handbuch Laufbahnmanagement und Karriereplanung. Heidelberg: Springer.


Das Kapitel bietet einen Überblick über das Karrieremanagement in Unternehmen und geht dabei auf die Wichtigkeit von flexiblen Karrieresystemen ein, die eine Vielzahl an individuellen Karrierezielen abbilden können. Darüber hinaus wird das Talentmanagement als eine Form des Karrieremanagements kritisch diskutiert. Schließlich wird die Nachfolgeplanung als Mittel im Karriere- und Talentmanagement vorgestellt. 

Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung [Career counseling]

Andreas Hirschi

Hirschi, A. (2017). Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung [Career counseling]. In S. Kauffeld & D. Spurk (Hrsg.), Handbuch Laufbahnmanagement und Karriereplanung. Heidelberg: Springer.


Das Kapitel definiert Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung als Anwendungsbereich der Psychologie und beschreibt dessen zentrale Merkmale. Es werden Modelle für den Prozess der Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung beschrieben sowie dafür notwendige Kernkompetenzen aufgezeigt, wobei sowohl auf allgemeine Mikrokompetenzen als auch auf ein europäisches Kompetenzmodell eingegangen wird. Schließlich wird die Forschung zur Wirksamkeit von Interventionen in der Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung beschrieben.  

Evaluation von Laufbahnberatung : Was wir wissen – und was wir wissen sollten [Evaluation of career counseling : What we know – and what we should know]

Andreas Hirschi

Hirschi, A. (2016). Evaluation von Laufbahnberatung : Was wir wissen – und was wir wissen sollten [Evaluation of career counseling : What we know – and what we should know]. Panorama, 3, 10-11.


Interventionen in der Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung haben einen positiven Effekt auf verschiedene Aspekte der beruflichen Entwicklung von Klienten – das ist durch internationale Forschung gut belegt. Für die Praxis der Evaluation ergeben sich neue Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten

Protean career orientation, vocational identity, and self-efficacy: An empirical clarification of their relationship

Andreas Hirschi

Hirschi, A., Jaensch, V., & Herrmann, A. (2017) Protean career orientation, vocational identity, and self-efficacy: An empirical clarification of their relationship. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(2), 208-220.doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2016.1242481.


There is a large interest in how people can be more protean in their career development, exhibiting a self-directed striving for personally valued career outcomes. However, existing research on the protean career needs to better address issues of antecedents and outcomes as well as unique effects of a protean career orientation (PCO). We present two studies investigating how PCO is related to vocational identity clarity and occupational self-efficacy. Study 1 reports a one-year, three-wave cross-lagged study among 563 university students and established that PCO preceded changes in identity and self-efficacy – but not the other way around. A six-month longitudinal study of 202 employees, Study 2 showed that identity clarity and self-efficacy mediated the effects of PCO on career satisfaction and proactive career behaviors. PCO only possessed incremental predictive validity regarding proactive career behaviors. However, we could not confirm specific direct or mediated effects of PCO on job satisfaction. These results imply that PCO is closely related to vocational identity clarity and self-efficacy because it enhances these career attitudes. Moreover, identity and self-efficacy mediate some but not all of the effects of PCO on important career outcomes.

Keywords: protean career orientation; vocational identity; occupational self-efficacy; job satisfaction; career satisfaction; proactive career behaviors

All in the name of work? Nonwork orientations as predictors of salary, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction

Andreas Hirschi

Hirschi, A., Herrmann, A., Nagy, N., & Spurk, D. (2016). All in the name of work? Nonwork orientations as predictors of salary, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 95–96, 45-57, doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2016.07.006.


Career development increasingly demands a successful integration of work and nonwork domains. Based on work-nonwork conflict and enrichment theories, this study explored the relationship between nonwork orientations (i.e., family, personal life, and community) and both objective (i.e., salary) and subjective (i.e., career satisfaction) career success and life satisfaction over a period of six months among a sample of 548 employees from Germany. The results generally support the enrichment perspective. Family orientation showed a positive relationship with career satisfaction. All three nonwork orientations, especially family orientation, were positively related to life satisfaction. We also explored gender and age effects but found no differences in nonwork orientations between young employees aged 25–34 years and older workers aged 50–59 years. Men showed lower levels of personal life orientation than women, but no differences in family or community orientation based on gender were found. We also did not observe gender x age interaction effects. We discuss the study's implications for a whole-life perspective on career development, career success, and well-being.

The future work self and calling: The mediational role of life meaning

Andreas Hirschi

Zhang, C., Hirschi, A., Herrmann, A., Wei, J., & Zhang, J. (in press). The future work self and calling: The mediational role of life meaning. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-15, doi:10.1007/s10902-016-9760-y



Research on calling prevailingly focuses on the positive effects on well-being and career development. However, explorations of the predictors and emergence of callings are sparse. We tested a model in which clarity about the future work self promotes one’s sense of calling through increased life meaning. We sampled 473 Chinese college students with a three-wave panel design over 1 year. Using time-lagged analysis, we found that the future work self at T1 significantly predicted increased life meaning at T2, which, in turn, significantly predicted increased calling at T3. This indirect effect was significant and supported the hypothesized longitudinal mediation model. The reverse effects of one’s calling as a predictor of self-clarity about one’s future work life or life meaning were not confirmed. Our findings suggest that among Chinese college students, self-clarity about one’s future work life and understanding one’s life meaning are two important steps in the development of one’s calling.

Latent profiles of work motivation in adolescents in relation to work expectations, goal engagement, and changes in work experiences

Andreas Hirschi

Valero, D. & Hirschi, A. (2016). Latent profiles of work motivation in adolescents in relation to work expectations, goal engagement, and changes in work experiences. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 93, 67-80, doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2016.01.003.

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Motivation plays a key role in successful entry into working life. Based on a cross-sectional and a one-year longitudinal study, we used a person-centered approach to explore work-related motivation (i.e., autonomous goals, positive affect, and occupational self-efficacy) among 577 students in 8th grade (Study 1) and 949 adolescents in vocational training (Study 2). Based on latent profile analysis, in both studies we identified four groups that were characterized by different levels of overall motivation and one group characterized by low positive affect and mean levels in autonomous goals and self-efficacy. Profiles characterized by high levels of motivation showed the highest levels of positive work expectations and goal engagement and the lowest levels of negative work expectations in Study 1 and the highest levels of person-job fit, work engagement, and job satisfaction in Study 2. Moreover, latent difference score analysis showed that motivational profiles predicted changes in person-job fit and work engagement across one year but not in job satisfaction. The results imply that career counselors should be aware of characteristic motivational patterns of clients that may require specific counseling approaches.

Competitive climate and workaholism: Negative sides of future orientation and calling

Andreas Hirschi

Keller, A., Spurk, D., Baumeler, F., & Hirschi, A. (2016). Competitive climate and workaholism: Negative sides of future orientation and calling. Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 122-126, doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.02.061


The perception of a competitive climate at work creates stress, uncertainty, and a desire to outperform colleagues. In this study, we investigated whether a competitive climate is associated with increased workaholism. Furthermore, we assumed that especially employees with a future orientation and a presence of a calling will show more workaholic behavior when a competitive climate is present. Hierarchical regression analyses among 812 employees in Germany confirmed our hypotheses: Competitive climate was positively related with workaholism and was stronger related to workaholism under conditions of high future orientation and high calling. These findings suggest that contextual factors at work and individual factors interact to form workaholism. Our results may be explained by the experience of more uncertainty in competitive work climates for individuals with high future orientation and the presence of a calling. Consequently, these employees may invest more physical and cognitive efforts into their work to cope with the competition.

A new perspective on workaholism: The role of personal and contextual career-related antecedents

Andreas Hirschi

Spurk, D., Hirschi, A., & Kauffeld, S. (in press). A new perspective on workaholism: The role of personal and contextual career-related antecedents. Journal of Career Assessment, 24(2), 747-764. doi: 10.1177/106907271561612751


The aim of the present study was to present and test a model assuming that career-related variables might function as antecedents of workaholism—the tendency to work compulsively and excessively. More specifically, based on conservation of resource theory and social identity theory, the study tested whether personal (i.e., career insecurity, extrinsic career goals, and career commitment) and contextual variables (i.e., career barriers and perceived organizational support) are related to workaholism. We tested our assumptions by means of stepwise hierarchical regression analyses within a large sample of N = 685 scientists working in different occupational fields (e.g., social science, arts and humanities, economics, and science, technology, engineering, mathematics) in German research institutes and universities. The results showed that career insecurity, career barriers, career commitment, and extrinsic career goals were positively associated, and perceived organizational support was negatively associated, with workaholism. Furthermore, the set of analyzed career variables showed incremental validity and explained a significant portion of variance in workaholism beyond control variables (i.e., gender, age, work hours, and occupational field) and personality (i.e., extroversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism).

Between- and within-person level motivational precursors associated with career exploration

Andreas Hirschi

Lee, B., Porfeli, E. J., & Hirschi, A. (2016). Between- and within-person level motivational precursors associated with career exploration. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 92, 125-134, doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2015.11.009


Career exploration is a critical process for child and adolescent development leading people toward suitable work and developing a vocational identity. The present study examined the role of motivational precursors, namely work valences and personal agency beliefs, in explaining in-breadth and in-depth career exploration. Given the dynamic nature of motivation, we teased apart the between-person differences and within-person variabilities in motivational precursors to examine how they are independently associated with career exploration. Two hundred one high school students comprised the sample and were surveyed three consecutive years. Results revealed that work valences and agency beliefs were associated with career exploration at both the between- and within-person level. Further, when individuals exhibited greater level of agency beliefs and positive valences, they were more likely to exhibit more in-depth exploration one year later. Implications for career guidance are discussed.

The role of mattering as an overlooked key challenge in retirement planning and adjustment

Andreas Hirschi

Froidevaux, A., Hirschi, A. & Wang, M. (2016). The role of mattering as an overlooked key challenge in retirement planning and adjustment. Journal of Vocational Behavior 94, 57-69, doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2016.02.016.50


In an aging society, making a successful transition from work to retirement and achieving good quality of retirement adjustment become major concerns for individuals, organizations, and governments. This paper focuses on the particular role of mattering (i.e., individuals' perceptions that they make a difference in the world) as a critical self-concept dimension that may mediate the impact of social interactions on retirement process at two distinct phases. We conducted two studies using time lagged design (with one-year time interval) among older workers 55 years or older (N = 161; Study 1) and retirees (N = 186; Study 2). Study 1 found that mattering mediated the effects of social support at work on life satisfaction but not retirement planning. Study 2 found that mattering mediated the effects of general social support on positive affect but not life satisfaction. Contrary to our expectation, mattering also did not mediate effects of caregiving activities. Overall, our results suggest that mattering represents a critical mechanism that explains some of the positive associations between social support and retirement adjustment quality.

Do bad guys get ahead or fall behind? Relationships of the dark triad of personality with objective and subjective career success

Andreas Hirschi

Spurk, D., Keller, A., Hirschi, A. (2016). Do bad guys get ahead or fall behind? Relationships of the dark triad of personality with objective and subjective career success. Social Psychological and Personality Science (2), 113-121, doi: 10.1177/1948550615609735. 


This study analyzed incremental effects of single Dark Triad traits (i.e., narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) on objective (i.e., salary and leadership position) and subjective (i.e., career satisfaction) career success. We analyzed 793 early career employees representative of age and education from the private industry sector in Germany. Results from multiple and logistic regressions revealed bright and dark sides of the Dark Triad, depending on the specific Dark Triad trait analyzed. After controlling for other relevant variables (i.e., gender, age, job tenure, organization size, education, and work hours), narcissism was positively related to salary, Machiavellianism was positively related to leadership position and career satisfaction, and psychopathy was negatively related to all analyzed outcomes. These results provide evidence that the Dark Triad plays a role in explaining important career outcomes. Implications for personality and career research are derived.

Persistent career indecision over time: Links with personality, barriers, self-efficacy, and life satisfaction

Andreas Hirschi

Jaensch, V. K., Hirschi, A., & Freund, P. A. (2015). Persistent career indecision over time: Links with personality, barriers, self-efficacy, and life satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behavior,  91, 122-133, doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2015.09.010

The relationships of vocational interest congruence, differentiation, and elevation to career preparedness among university students

Andreas Hirschi

Jaensch, V. K., Hirschi, A., & Spurk, D. (2016). Relationships of Vocational Interest Congruence, Differentiation, and Elevation to Career Preparedness Among University Students. Zeitschrift Fur Arbeits-Und Organisationspsychologie, 60(2), 79-89, doi: 10.1026/0932-4089/a000210.

Chance events and career decidedness: Latent profiles in relation to work motivation

Andreas Hirschi

Hirschi, A., & Valero, D. (2017). Chance events and career decidedness: Latent profiles in relation to work motivation. Career Development Quarterly. 65(1).  


Research has shown that chance events affect careers but has not established the nature of their effects. Moreover, the relationship between chance and career decidedness is not well understood. The present study used a person-centered approach with latent profile analysis to examine 312 Swiss adolescents in their first year of vocational training. We identified five qualitatively differing profiles according to levels of perceived chance events and career decidedness: balanced scorers, undecided with mean chance, undecided with high chance, decided with chance, and decided without chance. The groups differed significantly in work motivation (i.e., occupational self-efficacy beliefs, perceived person-job fit, and work engagement). Decided adolescents reported more favorable work motivation regardless of their level of perceived chance events. The results imply that promoting decidedness remains a valuable goal in career counseling despite the occurrence of unpredicted events.

Keywords: chance events; work motivation; career decidedness; adolescents

Self-directed career attitude as predictor of career and life satisfaction in Chinese employees: Calling as mediator and job insecurity as moderator

Andreas Hirschi

Zhang, C., Hirschi, A., Herrmann, A., Wei, J., & Zhang, J. (2015). Self-directed career attitude as predictor of career and life satisfaction in Chinese employees: Calling as mediator and job insecurity as moderator. Career Development International, 20(7), 703-716.


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to test if the effects of a self-directed career attitude on career and life satisfaction are mediated by a person’s sense of calling and moderated by job insecurity in a sample of Chinese employees.

Design/methodology/approach – Among a sample of Chinese employees (n = 263), in this paper, a moderated mediation analysis with bootstrapping was applied to test the hypotheses.

Findings – The results showed that calling mediates the effects of a self-directed career attitude on career satisfaction and life satisfaction. Job insecurity moderated the effect on life satisfaction but not on career satisfaction. The effect on life satisfaction were stronger under higher levels of job insecurity.

Research limitations/implications – These results suggest that a self-directed career attitude may help people develop a calling, which in turn relates to increased subjective career success and well-being. In addition, the notion of a calling may be especially important for well-being in unstable job circumstances.

Originality/value – This study is the first to explore a calling and a self-directed career attitude in a sample of Chinese employees. Corresponding to contemporary China’s rapidly changing context of economy and career development, a self-directed career orientation plays an important role in Chinese employees’ calling and subjective career success.

Keywords: Calling, Job insecurity, Life satisfaction, Self-directed career attitude, Subjective career success