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Filtering by Tag: occupational stability maintenance

Facing Change With Stability: The Dynamics of Occupational Career Trajectories

Andreas Hirschi

Medici, G., Igic, I., Grote, G., & Hirschi, A. (2023). Facing Change With Stability: The Dynamics of Occupational Career Trajectories. Journal of Career Development, 50(4), 883-900.


In today’s dynamic work environments, individuals must manage their careers. Although research suggests that many individuals change jobs and organizations more frequently, they often pursue their careers within one occupation still. The current study addresses how such seemingly stable careers unfold in the face of societal, economic, and technological changes and explores the proactive and reactive strategies individuals use to sustain occupational stability throughout their careers. Applying qualitative content analysis to 32 semi-structured interviews, we revealed eight major strategies underlying the process of occupational stability maintenance. We discuss the identified strategies using control theory and job crafting as theoretical lenses and introduce the concept of occupational crafting for understanding stability maintenance in vocational careers. The study highlights occupations as meaningful reference points in contemporary careers and illustrates how proactive and reactive strategies lead to occupational stability.

Keywords: occupational stability maintenance, career management, vocational careers, occupational crafting, qualitative methods